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I have spent the morning baking for our Village Spring Flower Show, which is tomorrow.  In the morning I will pick a  flower or two and some nice greenery, to make a small display to enter. There are not  many flowers in my garden that are in bloom at the moment, mostly daffodils but I will see what I can come up with. Although listed as a flower show, there is always a very successful baking section, a wonderful display of scrumptious home baking.  Cakes, scones, flans, jams, lemon-curds all manner of goodies . There are some very fine cooks and chefs in the Village but it’s always great fun to enter even as a novice. Some of the men, who would never normally cook  have a  go, and I can vouch that some of their  flapjacks turn out to be very fine indeed!  When the serious business of  judging is over, all the items are auctioned off, which is such great fun, causing a lot of merriment, as we all get to bid on each others offerings and very often go home with something special for tea.

Lavender and bakes for the Spring Flower Show April 2009 011

Shown above: Two simple fruit cakes with a little touch of  brandy in each. One ‘old fashioned’ Apple-pie, and Two,  Ham, Mustard, Egg and Cheese Flans.