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Hamada continues much the same, sleeping his way through most days, bless him. He is trying to conserve/find some energy for a forthcoming special event. Son Matt’s
40TH Birthday, when the whole family will be here for a long weekend. We hope to make this a very special occasion and so we need Hamada, if he can of course, to be able to join us – at a very special place, for the evening celebrations. So fingers crossed for that.

I have recently been playing the new CD of Melody Gardot, this music of the ‘sleepy Jazz type’ that Hamada and I love, it seems to have such a relaxing effect on us both, we imagine dancing together as we did just a few years ago – see my poem “We Dance Again” below.

If you would like something to take your mind of ‘horrid things’ and I know many readers here do. Try the lovely sound of Melody Gardot and her new CD “My One And Only Thrill” Listen to the enchanting “Our Love Is Easy” and the sensual track of the named album, “My One and Only Thrill” and the very delicious “Deep Within The Corners of My Mind” – I so wished I had written that! The wonderful orchestral backing which is quite perfect runs through these tracks, so if you are stressed and worried, this is indeed, very ‘good medicine’ as it takes you easily on a much needed journey…