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Going Down…

How fast life changed
I torpedoed to the bottom
I crashed and fell…
Legs forgot how to work
as furnace burnt into my chest
and a sea of dampness turned
my head into a torrent of water.

I shivered and shook, the severity of rigours
that could not be controlled.
I couldn’t remember my name but
two people could, they gathered me,
pulled me back, fought for me, I could hear them…
Strong words spoke for me, kind hands helped in every way.
I closed my eyes and drifted to that easier place…

Blue lights and strong hands, noise and speed,
“is the speed scary Mam” the ambulance medic asked,
I do remember saying I though it all rather exciting,
as needles went into my hands, and oxygen
covered my strangely blue lips.
Very bright overhead lights and reassuring voices
as I was whisked along at speed.
It didn’t look like any hospital I had visited before!

Hard gurney turned to soft bed,
hands and arms became medi-ports
as a team of nurses arrived and took over my body.
A respiratory specialist appeared
with a calm and smiling face and tons of knowledge.
Oxygen stayed put.
Bloods taken showed massive infection.

Thank you for getting me here so quickly.
Thank you for such great life saving attention,
I wanted to sleep but your loving faces pulled me back,
thank you both for sleeping over
when the storm appeared,
I was scared but you willed me to stay.

I am still here…
I am so grateful and humbled
I am still here…

April 2024. Dubai.