by Susie | Aug 19, 2024 | Friends/Lovers, In Death, Love, Love poems, Memories, Multiple myeloma, Poetry, Site News, The Box of Secrets
I missed you, when the heated rhythm of Salsa, that feels so like chillies when they touch your tongue drifted across the dance floor, I missed you as this enticing music reached my jewelled pinned ears. Where were you? When the luscious...
by Susie | Aug 14, 2024 | Drink, Family, Food, Friends, Gardens and Gardening, Love, Love poems, Memories, My Family, Reunion
The late afternoon air was sweet, delicious aromas of lavish scent and expensive cologne filled the air, the deliciousness of mouth watering food filled this beautiful space reaching my nose! You know this coming together of careful preparation, of thought and special...
by Susie | May 2, 2024 | Health Issues, In Death, Memories, Poems of Places, Travel
Going Down… How fast life changed I torpedoed to the bottom I crashed and fell… Legs forgot how to work as furnace burnt into my chest and a sea of dampness turned my head into a torrent of water. I shivered and shook, the severity of rigours that could not be...
by Susie | Dec 13, 2023 | Articles., Friends, Lincolnshire, Memories, Travel, Uncategorized
A passing of time… today I gave up my beautiful car and driving!!! Such a huge change after being on the road for almost 60 years!!!! All those years, all those miles. All those wonderful places… I loved driving and always thought I was rather good at it, having...
by Susie | May 9, 2023 | Family, In Death, Memories, My Family, Travel, Uncategorized
Jane’s Memorial Day-A Special Memory. It seems a long time ago now but then I suppose it is, Forty Three years in fact. In the Spring of 1980 Jane and I visited the land of the pharaohs. I had recently met Hamada and he kindly ask if we would like to go visit his...
by Susie | Apr 9, 2023 | Family, Friends/Lovers, Love, Love poems, Memories, My Family, Uncategorized
True Love Speaks. There are many ways to love, but love only endures when it moves like waves, dancing like the tide, that ebbs and flows. When love comes into sight It liberates us all into life until joined in loving commitment. To know why the desert burns...