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Going Down

Going Down… How fast life changed I torpedoed to the bottom I crashed and fell… Legs forgot how to work as furnace burnt into my chest and a sea of dampness turned my head into a torrent of water. I shivered and shook, the severity of rigours that could not be...

How Dim This Sky.

Lay down your guns your weapons snarl they maim and rip like devils teeth, they tear and kill my heart it bleeds, how cold my limbs I implore your eyes lay down your guns, how dim this sky. Land, air, sea bombarded with too much ease, crushed and broken a Mother...

A Memory With Janey.

Jane’s Memorial Day-A Special Memory. It seems a long time ago now but then I suppose it is, Forty Three years in fact. In the Spring of 1980 Jane and I visited the land of the pharaohs. I had recently met Hamada and he kindly ask if we would like to go visit his...

Heaven Knows.

I had forgotten how much I love these words. “Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before, more sorry, more aware of my own...

And Suddenly – Covid.

The world turned on its head today, It collided, stumbled stuttered and fell. the bustling regular ordinary days the ones we love the best, changed, slowly at first but then, with a great rush of fear. The world turned on its axis, it shuddered, And all at once...